A Book You Might Like – The Fridgularity

If you are looking for a fun, smart, sassy adventure, you need to read The Fridgularity.

You just have to.

When Blake Given’s fridge becomes the epicenter of emergent artificial intelligence, he does what anyone would do. He drinks. Then, he tries to figure out how to save the world from a newly minted consciousness that may or may not want to nuke everybody.

Blake starts out as a regular everyday sass-tank. He puts around, full of sass, except when in the presence of his mega-hot super-crush, Daphne. His best friend is a regular everyday ‘lesbrarian,’ and his creepy gamer neighbor is just a regular everyday fat guy in a housecoat. Already, these are people that you want to know more about.

Then the artificial intelligence living in Blake’s fridge crashes the internet, and all digital technology with it. The world grinds to a painful halt. Is it the apocalypse? Sort of. The kind that results in all of your friends staying at your house. The kind where there are no scary zombies, but a fair amount of unrest. The kind where new religions could rise up and make people crazy.

Thrown into extraordinary circumstances, the already fascinating cast of characters become larger than life – in a good way. Creepy-gamer-guy becomes head of a new religion out for blood, dressed literally as a Viking/superhero, carrying a sword, for example. It’s an intense story, what with the potential apocalypse, and the complex characters rise to the occasion beautifully.

At some points I was turning the pages and thinking “I can’t believe this is happening! Oh my God! What the crap!” Again, in a good way.

I highly recommend this book!

Check out other works by Mark Rayner!


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One Response to A Book You Might Like – The Fridgularity

  1. Sara says:

    what a fascinating review! thank you for bringing such important topics to our attention, Kathryn. Have I mentioned yet how awesome you are?


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