Why I Could Never Be a Beauty Pageant … Person

You have probably been wondering why I am not a contestant in numerous beauty pageants. I base this statement on the likelihood that you have seen me in a bikini, or streaking in a public place.

You haven’t?


Where have you BEEN?

Anyways, I am of course (mostly) joking. The fact is that no human women actually conform to the bodily standards associated with beauty pageant individuals. Still, there is some merit to the idea of actual human women taking a shot at ‘The Big Time’ to prove to all the little girls at home that you don’t have to shave your armpits to be beautiful!

Or have big boobs!

Or long legs!

Or be taller than the average 10 year old!


Yes, it is an inspiring message for the youth of today: beauty is still all important, you silly fool, but there are different TYPES of beautiful!

However, I will not be that person, and here is why. There is simply no way that I could handle the question section. Strutting around in an evening dress? OK if I’m allowed to wear flat shoes or go barefoot. Bikini? We have previously established that I am comfortable in said garb. Talents?

Forget about it.

But the part where they ask a question about current events… sheesh. I would get into all kinds of trouble and end up on Maury.

Miss Utah was asked what it says about our society that 40% of families have women as primary breadwinners, but women still make less than men. Here is her exact response:

“I think we can relate this back to education, and how we are … continuing to try to strive to [epic pause] figure out how to create jobs right now. That is the biggest problem. And I think, especially the men are … um … seen as the leaders of this, and so we need to try to figure out how to create educate better so we can solve this problem. Thank you.”

First of all, you’re welcome. Second of all, here is what my response would probably look like, especially if I had to come up with it on the spot:

“It shows that our society is intent on further impoverishing the lower class and eliminating the middle class through a concerted effort to disenfranchise women, Bob.”

(Assuming the guys name was Bob.)
(Actually, even if his name WASN’T Bob.)

Or, an even MORE likely response, because that question would make me see red with rage:

“It says that our society is a backwards sexist classist ass-hat, Bob, you patriarchal son of a bitch, and stop staring at my tiny bosom.”

Needless to say, that isn’t exactly “Miss Universe” talk.

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7 Responses to Why I Could Never Be a Beauty Pageant … Person

  1. Sara says:

    “You have probably been wondering why I am not a contestant in numerous beauty pageants. I base this statement on the likelihood that you have seen me in a bikini, or streaking in a public place.”

    I haven’t seen you in a bikini (yet), but i can imagine how good you look in one

  2. Sara says:

    “Strutting around in an evening dress? OK if I’m allowed to wear flat shoes or go barefoot. Bikini? We have previously established that I am comfortable in said garb.”

    LOL strutting around barefoot in an evening dress, so typical of you Kathryn and as for being comfortable in the “said garb” of bikini, well that’s the understatement of the month!

  3. Sara says:

    you’re so hot, whoever gets to be with you is gonna be one lucky motherfucker

  4. Sara says:

    Maybe we should give Bob a break, Kathryn, I can’t stop staring at your tiny bosom either!

  5. Sara says:

    I want to see pics of you in a bikini and/or streaking! That would definitely be an attention-getter

  6. Sara says:

    thanks for fulfilling my wish – streaking pics rock

  7. Sara says:

    LOVE this part, made me laugh so hard; it’s so perfect!
    “I’m Elizabeth. The other girl in my unit’s my friend Dinky, but uh . . . well, he is one of the boys, if you know what I mean.”
    “I think I seen him with ya before, back in the atrium. The one with glasses, right?”
    “Yup. That’s my Dinky.”
    “He seems nice.” Stephanie bit her lip mischievously. “And he’s cute, too.”
    Elizabeth blushed. “Yup. That’s my Dinky.”

    The budding romance between Dizzy and Dinky is so realistic and such a page-turner -You’re such a fantastic writer, Kathryn. Wild Land is out of this world!!!! Thanks for the free copy :)


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