Oh, hello. I didn’t see you there. I was busy frolicking in this obviously real forest. With forest creatures. Also obviously real.
Hi! I’m Kathryn. I’m an author, a Mindfulness and Wellness Coach in training, and a meditation enthusiast.
I’m one of those people who uses words like ‘mindfulness’ and ‘heart centered’ and ‘holding space’; and dangit, I mean them! I have a deep and overpowering love for all living things that I often make up new words to try and describe, the most recent being ‘Grassheart’ because I figure grass feels the same way I do, given how it is always growing all over the place and feeding ungulates and rabbits and what-not.
I also cannot stop myself from making terrible jokes basically all the time.
I’m especially interested in issues of human ecology, thus my foray into the ethics of education, my novel about the clash between indigenous lifestyle and technology driven life, and my current work about wholistic, heartfelt relationships between genders. I feel my strength as a coach comes from that curiosity, and from my deep commitment to spirituality, presence, and compassion. Bouncing ideas around, finding the connections between them, and ultimately connecting them with big things like Reason, Being and Connection with the Divine… that’s my jam
I post lots of great stuff on my Facebook page. Like really, really great. It may or may not contain the secret to eternal life. Plus you can check out my newest work and goings on, and get in touch with me!
You can find information about my books here.
Or, you can read hilarious anecdotes, news of a dubiously personal nature, and my musings about neat things I learn, from interviews with today’s most talented Indie Authors to new studies about attachment parenting, right here.
Contact me by sending an email to: kathrynmhogan @ gmail.com or checking out my Facebook page.
The bunny is well noted. It’s quite hard to miss because it’s pretty darn good looking too!