The Power of Feminine Energy

I’m still putting this page together. Check back soon: I’ll be adding more resources here all the time. I post updates on my Facebook Page. Thank you.

Many women today do not allow themselves to express their femininity.

Indeed, femininity has been cast as everything from a girlish liability to a vain superficiality; from a force of oppression to basic and general weakness. Even the women’s liberation movement often portrays strong women as masculine, and androgyny, that supposed solution to the ‘problem’ of gender, as masculine, too.

What if, instead of being weakness, something to be hidden and forgotten about… what if Femininity was a source of strength, and power? What if standing in our Feminine Energy was an opportunity to connect to an effortless source of energy and empowerment? What if doing so was an opportunity to relate to the world from a place of feeling safe, and cared for, and protected… instead of harrowed and hunted, disempowered and defensive, as so many women today feel.

The Power of Feminine Energy – Creating the life and relationships you want by connecting with the effortless feminine within

The Power of Feminine Energy is a book that explores all of these ideas, from what ‘feminine energy’ really means, to how you can reconnect with this primal and ancient force within yourself. Instead of viewing womanhood as problematic or a liability, the book offers the alternative that it is a spiritual opportunity… and perhaps, that being a woman who stands proudly in womanhood is exactly what our world needs.

From archetypal exploration based on esoterics and myths to the personal mythology of my own journey from being a tough, independent, self-sufficient tomboy (who had awful, uncomfortable and unsatisfying relationships with men) to embracing the feminine that had always predominated within me and improving my life and my relationships with men in ways I couldn’t have imagined…

This book will be available soon. I’ll also be posting articles and videos. I’m so excited to be sharing this.